Thursday, 24 December 2015

Movie review: In a galaxy far, far away Anna finally watched The Force Awakens.

...padawan Anna finally watched Episode VII of Star Wars, commonly known as The Force Awakens.

And it was marvelous.

I'm going to say a few words about the movie, without giving away the plot. Or at least, I hope that's what's going to happen by the end of this post.

So, apparently we all know that J.J. Abrams directed this movie and this is a continuation of the original series from the '70s-'80s. Meaning, we get names like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C-3PO. My babies.

And a tiny spoiler for you... We got them all.

That's the only thing you're getting from me about the characters.

Back to the direction.

J.J. Abrams directing the film was actually quite telling. While keeping some of the original shots and patterns, like the famous line from above, those words that seem to float in space and certain shots, at some points the movie flowed like the reboots of Star Trek. I am not complaining, I love those reboots, it's just an observation.

The space battles felt like the original trilogy, there was loads of humour (mostly from Fin, but we'll get to that later) and droids. We can never forget the importance of the droids.

Let's continue on, though, to the characters.

Our main protagonist in this movie is the girl Rey, that we see in the official trailer, and Fin along with a new droid, named BB-8 (I think?).While I enjoyed all the characters, if I have, I am going to play favourites and confirm that I loved Fin more than I loved Rey. Their chemistry was amazing as a team, but Rey sometimes felt to me a little dull, while Fin gave me numerous bouts of humour sprinkled here and there.

And my brother pointed out that he looks like a young Denzel Washington. Which he does, doesn't he?

On the other hand, from the Dark Side of the Force, we have Kylo Ren. Blessed Jesus, that uniform did something for me.

Kylo Ren was a good villain. And not in the sense that he's secretly good, mostly in the fact that he is a really complex character (at least to me he was) that we have just scratched the surface of as of yet. You will see him without his mask, but in the end you'll realise the mask is everything.

Honourary mention to Oscar Isaac that raised the level of enjoyment about 20% for me than it already was. I really loved Po and I honestly can't wait to see him bring Apocalypse to life this spring in the newest X-Men movie.


One last thing that I need to comment on. I saw a lot of famous faces in this movie. I don't know if you've noticed it as well, but I am pretty certain I identified many of the actors. Bill Weasley? Brienne? That dude from Heroes? Don't tell me you didn't see a person that you thought had no business in a movie like this. And they blended in pretty well. Good for them.


To summarise the rant above, I'll leave you with a couple of sentences.
The Force Awakens exceeded my expectations based on the trailer and not in the special effects part, but in the story. I am brutally honest with you when I tell you that I didn't think the story would be that well. But it was.

Hence, this new trilogy was 100000 times better than the prequels of 2000s and has me hopeful for fantastic plot twists.

May the Force be with you.

P.S. During the movie, we had a count of:
1 "I have a bad feeling about this", and
1 "May the Force be with you".

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